From Wearable Tech To Drones, Chris Leary Gives Great Gifts
|From Wearable Tech To Drones, Chris Leary Gives Great Gifts
How can you pick the gifts that are sure to please? Of course you want to match the gift with the giftee’s interests but one way to do that is to take Chris Leary’s advice as he shows us some of the hottest trends
. Is the giftee into fitness?
Do they want to lose weight?
Try some wearable tech that charts our calories, counts our heartbeats, shows us our email.
Or maybe they want to be able to glance at their email without disrupting a conversation or a meeting. Wearables have taken off this year.
Speaking of taking off…drones. Want to bring a smile to boys’ and men’s’ faces alike – present them with a drone and watch them disappear to play with it for hours on end.
It has to relate back to their love of remote controlled cars, planes, boats, etc.
What Chris will show us:
· Cool new drone tech
· Wearable technology
· Among other cutting edge items